Monday, November 16, 2009

Eliasson again, just as confusing/informing as the one before..

Eliasson is also concerned with sorting apart “the things that were commingled,” but—and this is what makes up his wit and verve—only in order to make an art of conjunctions out of these “commingled” things, that is: the nature in us and the nature outside of us. “Conjunction” derives from the Latin conjungere, meaning to join or to forcefully yoke together, and is a term used in both grammar and astronomy. (A) As different as these two uses of the term are, in neither case does a conjunction function as a leveler. A conjunction does not imply a value judgment, nor does it weight its relata on one or the other of its poles. It is rather the independence of both relata that gives a conjunction the power to discover something new in itself by way of the other.

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